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Red Wine Cocktails: 3 Winter Recipes To Savor

Let's first acknowledge the elephant in the room: why are we, a company that currently only makes white wines, writing a blog on red wines? Well, because it's wintertime, and we want everyone to keep in mind all of their alcohol options. That, and also, the truth is our SEO team insisted that discussing red wine cocktails was a good idea for our SEO, so here we are. Truthfully, we'll do anything to get our delicious sugar-free wine a little more attention. Well, alright, not anything, we have standards. But also, we're loyal to our personalities and will admit, a glass of cabernet sauvignon in the wintertime is what dreams are made of!  But as a company that makes white...

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Office Christmas Party Tips For A Memorable Occasion

‘Tis the season for holiday parties. Which means you might just be getting an email from HR inviting you to your office’s annual Christmas party. We don’t mean to be let downs, but office parties can be extremely dangerous, as seen by that Christmas movie starring Jason Bateman and Jennifer Aniston. Mixing alcohol with a bunch of colleagues that have their own work drama can be a recipe for disaster. Then, add a little bit of stress from the Holiday season as a whole, and we’re honestly kind of surprised holiday parties haven’t been completely outlawed or been the end of the world as we know it.  Here are some tips on how to keep yourself merry and bright and...

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Hosting a Holiday Party: 10 Tips For An Unforgettable Night

Here’s How To Throw Your Best Holiday Party Yet Sounds like you're one of those people who enjoy being stressed: taking on the responsibility of hosting a party during the holiday season? Wow! Everyone knows that hosting holiday parties can take your stress level and run with it.  But, fear not! With careful party planning, you can plan a party that you might actually enjoy as much as your guests! The key to an unforgettable night is that details matter! From a casual dinner party to a full-blown open house cocktail party, we put our heads together and came up with the ten tips we believe will ensure that your holiday party is the best one of the season that...

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What To Mix With Wine: Making The Perfect Cocktail

Let's give wine cocktails the moment they deserve. They're pretty, light, and refreshing; it's honestly a modern-day travesty they don't get more attention. Plus, for most well-known wine cocktails, they are super easy to make in batches and serve in a pitcher, making them a festive and delicious way to entertain guests without breaking a sweat.  To keep you calm, cool, and collected, here are some of our go-to favorite wine cocktails that you're probably going to want to try tonight. So invite some friends, queue up the Instacart order and let's get the party started!  Orange Juice Alright, if your mind didn't immediately say mimosa when you read orange juice, we think you should go to the doctor. Seriously,...

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How to Make Mulled Wine - Step by Step Recipe

If you live in a place where winter chills your bones, rain is a daily misery, and you’re accustomed to shoveling snow, then you probably know what mulled wine is. It’s that delicious holiday drink that warms you up from the inside out. But, in case you didn’t know, we’re based in Los Angeles, so we can safely assume many of our Angelenos have no idea what this warm, delicious wine drink is. Our version of cold is in the fifties, in our defense, and we don’t need to use all of our resources to warm up. Sorry, not sorry.  In any case, since we know our audience is based all over the country (crosses fingers) and our education levels...

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