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The Ultimate Guide To Canned Wine

Believe it or not, but at one point in time, canned wine was considered a novelty. Today, in case you missed the memo or were too busy popping open your canned wine to notice, canned wine is not just mainstream, but it's incredibly popular, and for good reasons. Heading to a picnic? Canned wine is exceptionally portable. Wanting to cut down on your drinks? Canned wine is pre-portioned. Never finish a bottle of wine and hate wasting it? Hello, canned wine for the win! We can go on and on for days. But to put a nice bow on this introduction to canned wine: it is easy-drinking, incredibly portable, and incredibly convenient. Red wine or white wine, New York or...

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What Is The Strongest Wine?

When deciding what wine to drink, most of us keep in mind the alcohol content. Because if you're pouring and going to be enjoying yourself, making sure you know how much you're drinking is what some of us might call responsible drinking. Different wines call for different pours; for example, a dessert wine should not be served the same way as a dry wine due to its high alcohol content.  Today, we have become more efficient at creating a wine with higher alcohol content. As such, there are many different aspects of wine creation that lead to the amount of alcohol in wine. Below, we have discussed everything you need to know about wine and its alcohol content.  What Is...

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Is Organic Red Wine Good For You?

In the past few years, the organic food industry has skyrocketed. You can practically find organic everything. But what's most surprising: organic grapes only account for five percent of the total vineyard acreage worldwide. However, somehow, organic wine consumption has been increasing rapidly, nearly ten percent yearly in the United States.  Because we're pretty confident that organic wine consumption will continue to grow, we've taken time to discuss organic wine, more specifically organic red wine. What Is Organic Red Wine? The most elementary definition of organic wine is a wine made from organically farmed grapes. Groundbreaking, right? But what constitutes organic farming? Well, the standards vary from country to country. Generally, they exclude the application of artificial chemical fertilizers, pesticides,...

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How to Host a Virtual Wine Tasting

Anyone else desperately miss having drinks after work or on the weekends with the girls? We're pretty confident that it's not just a "us" thing, but we fully admit we might just miss the wine tasting experience a little more, seeing as we love wine so much we founded a company with sugar-free wine so we can drink more of it.  As wine lovers and winemakers, we have been to several virtual happy hours. And a year (!) into this pandemic, we're starting to feel incredibly bored by our happy hours. And trust us, writing that doesn't come easily. Part of the fun of sitting at the bar with our favorite people is dishing the latest gossip over pours of...

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What Is The Healthiest Wine?

As a wine company, we've heard all of the myths about the wine and its healthiness. Today, we woke up and decided today was the day to settle the truth once and for all—our goal: to share what we know about wine and whether it is healthy.  First, whether it's healthy to drink wine depends a lot on how much you're drinking. In the 1990s, many researchers began touting that red wine was a healthy elixir. The idea was known as the "French paradox." It was the observation that the French eat diets rich in saturated fat, drank lots of wine, and still had lower cardiovascular disease rates.  Researchers have since discovered that it is more than vino consumption that...

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