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How Many Ounces In A Glass Of Wine?

To standard pour or to not standard pour, that literally has never been the question, let alone anyone's question. However, it was an easy way to start a conversation on what the heck a standard pour for glasses of wine really is. We're sure it is the burning question on everyone's minds right now: what is a standard pour? So let's dive into this new world and topic, shall we?  What Is a Standard Drink? First things first, what is a standard pour, and why the heck does it exist? To be honest, the standard pour does not really exist. *Insert a palpable gasp* Well, clearly, it exists because we are currently writing about it. But what we mean is...

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What Is The Driest White Wine?

Dry is often a word that is used when describing wine. But the word itself can be confusing. Some use it to describe the feeling in their mouth. However, this is not what a dry wine is. A dry wine is one that has no residual sugar. There are dry red wines like some cabernet sauvignon or merlot grape varieties, dry white wines like Riesling or pinot gris (AKA pinot grigio), and dry sparkling wines like a brut champagne. So let's talk about the wines that are dry and learn more about them so you can give these delicious wines a try!  What Makes a Wine Dry? So, what the heck is a dry wine anyhow? A dry wine is...

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How Many Glasses Of Wine In One Bottle?

From tiny bottles of champagne to adorable cans of chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon to regular bottles of pinot noir, wine comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Each of these holds a different amount of wine, but their size also affects wine differently. Large bottles allow the wine to age more efficiently due to not allowing oxygen exposure. Whether you want a single serving of wine or want to host a party with enough ounces of wine for 200 of your favorite people, there is truly a bottle for every occasion, whether you're looking for a dessert wine, a sweet wine, or just looking for the wine with the highest alcohol content. Because of the overwhelming options, we have...

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What Is The Average Wine Alcohol Content?

What’s the Average Alcohol Content in Wine? Today, class, we are going to discuss the alcohol content in wine. Why? Because, not to sound like an influencer explaining her skincare routine, a lot of you guys have asked us questions, and well, we have to give the people what they want, right? Let’s start with the basics. The degree of alcohol in any given glass of wine is equivalent to its percentage by volume. This unit is often referred to as ABV, which stands for alcohol by the volume. The alcohol content of wine is directly related to the amount of sugar developed in grapes during harvest time. Alcohol in wine is created by fermentation. During the wine fermentation process,...

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Gluten Free Wine Explained

You're going on a gluten-free diet. Good for you! And now, then it hit you: does that mean you can not drink wine? The fear sinks in. We know it's a horrible thought, the idea that you might not enjoy wine. But rest assured, we have your answers. You can, in fact, drink wine. Below, we've outlined why and how and discussed any precautions you should take. Buckle up; we're in for a gluten-free ride!  Is Wine Gluten-Free? Both red and white wine are a naturally gluten-free alcohol because they are made from grapes and occasionally other fruits that are inherently and intrinsically gluten-free. However, some winemakers use gluten during the fining process and aging process. For example, if wine...

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