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How to Give a Toast They Won’t Forget

Toasts are an essential element of our culture. At their core, toasts are the formal expressions of goodwill, appreciation, or calls for group attention to an issue or person in a public setting that are then followed by synchronous consumption of beverages.  Learning how to give a good toast is an important skill to have. If you don't believe us, just ask Hannah Brown, who found herself totally caught off guard when she was asked to give a toast during Colton's season of the Bachelor. If you didn't watch, we'll save you the trouble and tell you it was pretty cringeworthy. But don't worry, she has recovered and probably, by now, perfected the art of toasting.  From toasting at a...

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8 Things To Do On A Rainy Day

A Rainy Day Doesn’t Have To Be Boring It's raining, it's pouring, it doesn't have to be boring! For most of us, rainy days are an excuse to curl up in our pajamas all day, binge Bravo, and scroll our social media pages all day. But if you live in a place that rains often, we're guessing this might get old and boring after a while.  Plus, we're starting to think it's not good for our mental health to rewatch Real Housewives as often as we do. So, we put together a list of indoor activities to do next time it rains. We're hoping this list will help us start shaking things up and make life a little more exciting...

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12 Girls Night In Or Out Ideas

Spend Some Time With Your Gal Pals Spending time with your best friends is important, especially now. But depending on where you live, there might be rules and restrictions on how you can and cannot see others. Luckily, we have a plethora of technology at our disposal that we can use to connect with our friends when we need them the most. Honestly, T-Goodness for the internet and smart people, are we right?  If you're longing for the good old days of nights you don't remember with people you'll never forget, it's still absolutely possible right now! Take your friends online and have the same kind of fun girls night out you used to have in 2019 in the comfort...

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How to Clean Red Wine From Anything

Wine Drinking Can Get A Little Messy Red wine goes great with a meal but does not look great as stains on your clothing. When a sneaky drop of red wine lands on your favorite shirt or jeans, we know the feeling of horror that overcomes us all. But here's the deal: where there is a will, there is a way! Whether you spilled the entire bottle (yikes!) on the tablecloth or had a one-off dribble, red wine spills put in quite a battle, but the good news is they aren't impossible to remove! Here's the thing about red wine, it literally has all of the necessary traits to stain. It is almost like someone created red wine to stain...

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How to Drink Wine

 Do you know what pairs well with any activity? Wine. Whether you're watching "The Bachelor" or a sports game, drinking wine is always an acceptable companion. Unlike tequila shots that indicate that it's a wild night, breaking out a bottle of wine is still socially acceptable in pretty much any social situation. We literally have gone to children's birthday parties and enjoyed a nice Merlot.  While there are no wrong ways to enjoy wine, there is a time and a place for everything. For example, at a fancy dinner meeting with your new boyfriend's parents, you might not want to drink the Pinot Noir straight out of the bottle or from a straw like you might do when you're with...

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